Press Release

Note Again is the second album from The Alan Crookston Ceilidh Band after the great success of the first album Note Before Time. The band from central Scotland are continuing to grow their reputation as one of the most sought-after bands all over the country. With four broadcasts on BBC Radio Scotland’s Take The Floor and numerous music festivals under their belts, the band continue to grow in stature.

The band comprises of top musicians from the Scottish dance band and ceilidh scenes. On lead accordion, Alan Crookston from Blackburn in West Lothian. Second accordion is provided by Gary Sutherland from Ladybank in Fife. On fiddle, Iain Anderson from Edinburgh. Piano and bass is performed by Liam Stewart from Galston in Ayrshire. Finally, Alan Irvine from Bangor, Northern Ireland, on drums. Between them all they have won multiple accolades over the years in their respective fields. The combination of these musicians makes for a very exciting and energetic sound that shines through in the music.

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Note Again




Independent Release


10th November 2017


CD / Digital

File Under

Ceilidh / Dance


Online & At Concerts

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